These are absolutely delicious!

A great grab 'n go food with Hawaiian Flair!

CableCat's Recipe Book

I love to cook things that are worthwhile and good for the body and soul.

Spam Musubi


Rice (Botan or Nishiki for the brand, and get medium or short grain)

Spam (Plain/Classic, you can also do Low Sodium Spam)


Nori Sheets (Dried Seaweed Paper)

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Wash your rice, rinsing it about three to five times until water poured into the pot is clear.

Cook your rice with nothing but water! Follow your rice cooker instructions if you have one or cook in a pot.

Transfer the cooked rice in a wide container to let it cool. As you transfer layers of rice, sprinkle a pinch of sugar over it. Not enough to taste, but just enough to melt to the hot rice and make it sticky!

Gently fold rice over itself a few times to mix in the small bit of sugar and to help release heat and steam.

While rice is cooling, cook spam. Open the can and flop to whole slab of spam onto a cutting board. Slice evenly into eight rectangular slices.

Fry the Spam in a frying pan. You don't need to add extra oil because just like bacon, fat will come out of the spam as it fries. Set asside your fried slices on a plate with a paper towel for absorbing extra oils and fats.

Once rice has naturally cooled to a working temperature, wet your hands and grab a small clump of rice from the container. Shape it into a large rounded rectangular ball (to fit you spam on top), pressing it with your fingers and palms. Sit the ball aside on a plate. Repeat with all the rice!

Lay the pieces of fried spam on top of each rice ball.

Cut the Nori sheets into wide long strips. Wrap them around the spam and rice to hold the spam in place. Dip your fingers in water and dab it on the end and rub the seaweed gently together to bind it.

When finished, you can wrap each musubi in Saran Wrap or Plastic Wrap to eat later. Make sure to refridgerate or eat immediately!

Only the best!

"If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff! -Remy, Ratatouille

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